Saturday, April 30, 2011


So it's no secret that I struggle with dating. It's just not fun for me. I usually tend to meet my mates in non-traditional settings anyway, going out on "dates" has never yeilded any successful ventures for me. Anyway...I'm sitting up in bed, half reading and half watching Sex and the City, and something sort of dawned on me...why do so many people subdue themselves on dates/when their getting to know someone in an effort to seem more appealing? Granted, I'm probably not the most qualified person to comment on this since I haven't had any luck finding someone I'd want to be bothered with calling my boyfriend, but still. I dont understand the purpose of holding back certain qualities we all possess in different degrees (moodiness, messiness, ditzyness) just to seem more appealing to someone AT FIRST. I mean...these things are all going to come out eventually...some of them may even lead to the demise of a relationship, should you get one going. So what's wrong with just being yourself and letting things fall where they may? If you're a slob, I'd like to know upfront. Dont surprise me with that shit after we've been dating for awhile, we decide to move in together and then I learn that you dont wash dishes, do laundry in timely intervals and only shower for special occassions. That leaves me feeling deceived and wondering what else you're hiding or dispersing in intervals.
With that being said, I leave you all with this. My name is Timothy. I'm impatient, slightly OCD about having things in order, sometimes I pee and forget to put the lid back down, I shower twice daily and I do most things to the tune of my ipod.

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