So read the following quote...
"Once you are an addict you will never not be an addict. You'll be an addict until the day you die. I think about it every single day. People who say they don't think about drugs anymore are dirty liars who are probably still using." -Kelly Osbourne
Soooo my initial reaction was one of annoyance. I've always found Kelly Osbourne to be a big douchelord anyway. She's always poppin off about one thing or another and I wish she'd just continue eating her life away so we didn't have to hear her speak. Then I re-read this quote and it angered me. Thus, this blog entry. Now TRUTHFULLY, what she's saying isn't anything new or ground breaking. In fact, this, I beleive, is the mentality you come across in AA meetings, Rehab clinics, etc, etc...which could be part of the reason why a lot of those things dont work for people. I'm sure their hearts are in the right place but brow beating someone with an alcohol/drug problem isn't a way to positively uplift people and start to make them feel great about themselves.
And naturally, what works for one person may very well NOT work for another, so if you're reading this and you think I'm an asshole, just keep that previous sentence in mind. I've seen a few loved ones go through some drug problems over the years, and I know that the above quoted fat ass had some drug problems herself.
I just think that people need support and love. You need to show them you care. Coddle them, help them find other avenues to channel their unhappiness, efforts and attention. Don't brow beat them and tell them shitty things like "even if you never use again you're still a drug addict til the day you die!". What a shitty, NEGATIVE thing to say!! Of course you're a drug addict if you use drugs regularly...but if you stop and you don't use anymore, you're not an addict 2 years down the road...10 years down the road...30 years down the road. You get my drift.
Now don't think I have a soft spot for druggies, here either. You've gotta WANT to turn your life around. and I understand the whole having an itch and wanting to scratch it thing. But there's much more to life than spending it in a haze. We all have our faults, no one is perfect, but drugs just amplify all that bullshit unecessarily.
So fuck what everyone else says. Fuck Kelly Osbourne, fuck AA. Make your own way and live the best life you can. There's always gonna be hills to climb, just grab on to the people close to you and truck it out! lol
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