Why don't people fight for relationships anymore?
Think about it. Think about your friends. Think about celebrity couples. DONT think of the movies, just real life shit. Now narrow those couples down to those who have been together more than 3 years. Did your pool suddenly get narrower? MINE DID! lol. A few "signs" I guess we'll call them have been put in my face lately and it's made me remember some things and evaluate some other things.
When things get hard, why do we run? Why don't people these days seem to have the same type of resolve that, say, my parents have? My parents have been married for 28 years. TWENTY EIGHT YEARS!! Can you imagine? The passion and effort it takes to love someone enough and want to be with them at least a majority of that time? Or is it just the times they grew up in where you didn't divorce? You stayed and you worked your differences out because you made a commitment to each other, good times and bad, for better or for worse. Today it seems as if once something gets tough, you leave it and move on to the next thing. No one wants to put effort into anything...and I'm talking friendships, relationships, cable companies...
I wont go into specifics but I can remember when my last relationship ended, how devestated I was and how badly I wanted to fix it...work on it...SOMETHING other than end it. I'm not saying EVERY relationship is worth toughing it out for, een I will admit that while I'm still sore about it my last relationship wasn't one that would've stood the test of time, but how do you decide when it's time to cut your losses and when you need to get your shovel out and start digging yourself out of the shit?
Sometimes I worry that I won't find that someone again that I want to fight for. I haven't made a new friend that I've felt totally in sync with since college (which I left about 3 years ago). I can't seem to figure out my niche in life these days because I don't see the point in making friends out of conveinance...and I certainly don't date just to date. To be 100% honest, my idea of the perfect day is sleeping in, reading a magazine with a cup of coffee and playing with my dog. I WAS NEVER LIKE THIS BEFORE! I just don't get it.
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