Today brought me across one of the BEST quotes I've ever read. Enjoy ;)
"I should like to see any power of the world destory this race, this small tribe of unimportant people whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia. See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a new Armenia." -William Saroyan
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The 95th Anniversary of The Armenian Genocide...
I was just simply going to put up a picture of the Armenian flag and leave the title as it was and be done with it. If you want to know more about the Genocide, you can easily google that shit. I'm tired of preaching to ignoramases about something they could've googled and read about in the time it takes them to ask me and then wait for my response. However, I got an email from an organization I'm part of with Obama's press statement about today and it pissed me off. I personally think Obama is a HUGE douchelord ANYWAY but this certainly added to it. I present you with the following press release:
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
April 24, 2010
Statement of President Barack Obama on Armenian Remembrance Day On this solemn day of remembrance, we pause to recall that ninety-five years ago one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century began. In that dark moment of history, 1.5 million Armenians were massacred or marched to their death in the final days of the Ottoman Empire.
Today is a day to reflect upon and draw lessons from these terrible events. I have consistently stated my own view of what occurred in 1915, and my view of that history has not changed. It is in all of our interest to see the achievement a full, frank and just acknowledgment of the facts. The Meds Yeghern is a devastating chapter in the history of the Armenian people, and we must keep its memory alive in honor of those who were murdered and so that we do not repeat the grave mistakes of the past. I salute the Turks who saved Armenians in 1915 and am encouraged by the dialogue among Turks and Armenians, and within Turkey itself, regarding this painful history. Together, the Turkish and Armenian people will be stronger as they acknowledge their common history and recognize their common humanity.
Even as we confront the inhumanity of 1915, we also are inspired by the remarkable spirit of the Armenian people. While nothing can bring back those who were killed in the Meds Yeghern, the contributions that Armenians have made around the world over the last ninety-five years stand as a testament to the strength, tenacity and courage of the Armenian people. The indomitable spirit of the Armenian people is a lasting triumph over those who set out to destroy them. Many Armenians came to the United States as survivors of the horrors of 1915. Over the generations Americans of Armenian descent have richened our communities, spurred our economy, and strengthened our democracy. The strong traditions and culture of Armenians also became the foundation of a new republic which has become a part of the community of nations, partnering with the world community to build a better future.
Today, we pause with them and with Armenians everywhere to remember the awful events of 1915 with deep admiration for their contributions which transcend this dark past and give us hope for the future.
Fuck your cowardice for dealing with a country simply because they're conveinantly located in a military zone (Turkey) and for their oil. The Armenian Genocide was an international tragedy that deserves to be recognized and those 1.5 million lives lost need to be honored. This press release is an insult. I'm done. Regardless of your beliefs or nationality or anything, I implore you to research this topic and form an opinion on it and speak about it. Get the word out. 95 years is a LONG fucking time to NOT have a significant portion of your race being wiped out and not having it acknowledged.
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
April 24, 2010
Statement of President Barack Obama on Armenian Remembrance Day On this solemn day of remembrance, we pause to recall that ninety-five years ago one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century began. In that dark moment of history, 1.5 million Armenians were massacred or marched to their death in the final days of the Ottoman Empire.
Today is a day to reflect upon and draw lessons from these terrible events. I have consistently stated my own view of what occurred in 1915, and my view of that history has not changed. It is in all of our interest to see the achievement a full, frank and just acknowledgment of the facts. The Meds Yeghern is a devastating chapter in the history of the Armenian people, and we must keep its memory alive in honor of those who were murdered and so that we do not repeat the grave mistakes of the past. I salute the Turks who saved Armenians in 1915 and am encouraged by the dialogue among Turks and Armenians, and within Turkey itself, regarding this painful history. Together, the Turkish and Armenian people will be stronger as they acknowledge their common history and recognize their common humanity.
Even as we confront the inhumanity of 1915, we also are inspired by the remarkable spirit of the Armenian people. While nothing can bring back those who were killed in the Meds Yeghern, the contributions that Armenians have made around the world over the last ninety-five years stand as a testament to the strength, tenacity and courage of the Armenian people. The indomitable spirit of the Armenian people is a lasting triumph over those who set out to destroy them. Many Armenians came to the United States as survivors of the horrors of 1915. Over the generations Americans of Armenian descent have richened our communities, spurred our economy, and strengthened our democracy. The strong traditions and culture of Armenians also became the foundation of a new republic which has become a part of the community of nations, partnering with the world community to build a better future.
Today, we pause with them and with Armenians everywhere to remember the awful events of 1915 with deep admiration for their contributions which transcend this dark past and give us hope for the future.
Fuck your cowardice for dealing with a country simply because they're conveinantly located in a military zone (Turkey) and for their oil. The Armenian Genocide was an international tragedy that deserves to be recognized and those 1.5 million lives lost need to be honored. This press release is an insult. I'm done. Regardless of your beliefs or nationality or anything, I implore you to research this topic and form an opinion on it and speak about it. Get the word out. 95 years is a LONG fucking time to NOT have a significant portion of your race being wiped out and not having it acknowledged.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
"Something 'bout those little pills, the thrills they yeild until they kill a million brain cells!"-La La Land

So read the following quote...
"Once you are an addict you will never not be an addict. You'll be an addict until the day you die. I think about it every single day. People who say they don't think about drugs anymore are dirty liars who are probably still using." -Kelly Osbourne
Soooo my initial reaction was one of annoyance. I've always found Kelly Osbourne to be a big douchelord anyway. She's always poppin off about one thing or another and I wish she'd just continue eating her life away so we didn't have to hear her speak. Then I re-read this quote and it angered me. Thus, this blog entry. Now TRUTHFULLY, what she's saying isn't anything new or ground breaking. In fact, this, I beleive, is the mentality you come across in AA meetings, Rehab clinics, etc, etc...which could be part of the reason why a lot of those things dont work for people. I'm sure their hearts are in the right place but brow beating someone with an alcohol/drug problem isn't a way to positively uplift people and start to make them feel great about themselves.
And naturally, what works for one person may very well NOT work for another, so if you're reading this and you think I'm an asshole, just keep that previous sentence in mind. I've seen a few loved ones go through some drug problems over the years, and I know that the above quoted fat ass had some drug problems herself.
I just think that people need support and love. You need to show them you care. Coddle them, help them find other avenues to channel their unhappiness, efforts and attention. Don't brow beat them and tell them shitty things like "even if you never use again you're still a drug addict til the day you die!". What a shitty, NEGATIVE thing to say!! Of course you're a drug addict if you use drugs regularly...but if you stop and you don't use anymore, you're not an addict 2 years down the road...10 years down the road...30 years down the road. You get my drift.
Now don't think I have a soft spot for druggies, here either. You've gotta WANT to turn your life around. and I understand the whole having an itch and wanting to scratch it thing. But there's much more to life than spending it in a haze. We all have our faults, no one is perfect, but drugs just amplify all that bullshit unecessarily.
So fuck what everyone else says. Fuck Kelly Osbourne, fuck AA. Make your own way and live the best life you can. There's always gonna be hills to climb, just grab on to the people close to you and truck it out! lol
Happily Never After...

Why don't people fight for relationships anymore?
Think about it. Think about your friends. Think about celebrity couples. DONT think of the movies, just real life shit. Now narrow those couples down to those who have been together more than 3 years. Did your pool suddenly get narrower? MINE DID! lol. A few "signs" I guess we'll call them have been put in my face lately and it's made me remember some things and evaluate some other things.
When things get hard, why do we run? Why don't people these days seem to have the same type of resolve that, say, my parents have? My parents have been married for 28 years. TWENTY EIGHT YEARS!! Can you imagine? The passion and effort it takes to love someone enough and want to be with them at least a majority of that time? Or is it just the times they grew up in where you didn't divorce? You stayed and you worked your differences out because you made a commitment to each other, good times and bad, for better or for worse. Today it seems as if once something gets tough, you leave it and move on to the next thing. No one wants to put effort into anything...and I'm talking friendships, relationships, cable companies...
I wont go into specifics but I can remember when my last relationship ended, how devestated I was and how badly I wanted to fix on it...SOMETHING other than end it. I'm not saying EVERY relationship is worth toughing it out for, een I will admit that while I'm still sore about it my last relationship wasn't one that would've stood the test of time, but how do you decide when it's time to cut your losses and when you need to get your shovel out and start digging yourself out of the shit?
Sometimes I worry that I won't find that someone again that I want to fight for. I haven't made a new friend that I've felt totally in sync with since college (which I left about 3 years ago). I can't seem to figure out my niche in life these days because I don't see the point in making friends out of conveinance...and I certainly don't date just to date. To be 100% honest, my idea of the perfect day is sleeping in, reading a magazine with a cup of coffee and playing with my dog. I WAS NEVER LIKE THIS BEFORE! I just don't get it.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
"A piece of me you get for free but it's worthless if we don't have honesty" -Brandy in "Fear of Flying"
So lately in the media (or what I've been paying attention to, I guess) there's been lots of attention on cheating...I suppose this is how we know Usher released a new album :) I've seen some of the comments from the scorned (Tameka Raymonds tweets, anyone?) and then I saw something on VIBE's website from Chilli, and it inspired me. Yes, I realize this whole blog has an unintended Usher theme. lol.
Now let me first prefice this whole sha-bang by saying that I am no saint. I was quite the wild one in my younger years, I think to an extent that everyone is. I've cheated and I've been cheated on (more than once) and I've learned quite a bit from it. I can say with a lot of certainty that there isn't much in life that hurts more than being cheated on. It can break every little piece of self confidence you have, give you SO many unanswerable questions and leave you feeling jaded and bitter. Some people do it for the thrill, some people do it for revenge and some people just do it for no reason at all.
Now not giving a free pass to all the breeders out there, but I will say that I think cheating is FAR more prevalent in the gay community than anywhere else. For some reason, in gay male relationships it seems that monogamy is not a word that exists. One of the main reasons I have NEVER identified, and largely despise, the gay community is because of their blatent disregard for the value of monogamy. Most gay relationships that I've read about or seen in friends all seem to adopt these really weird ideals. Open relationships, which I think are for whores who are too afraid to admit they're whores, I think are a joke and insulting. If you feel like an open relationship is something you want to be in, you shouldn't be in any relationship at all. Sex is SO much more than fulfilling an "urge". Of course I'm cognisant (sp) of the fact that there's TONS of guys I find sexually attractive...but if I'm in a serious relationship, I would never compromise the history of us and the bond of us just to go bust my nut off.
This is largely my own personal opinion on the matter because I find that I'm a very open person. I like to communicate and when there is a problem, I like to address it and get it out of the way. I think cheating involves way too much crazy shit. You're hiding things, you're making time to do shit you have no business doing all the while still doing your regular activities. It creates drama and unrest and in the end, NO ONE feels better about anything. It destroys any and all sense of trust that over time two people build for each other. It's just better and ultimately easier to be honest.
The lesson to be learned? If you don't feel comfortable enough to speak on issues you feel are important or issues going on in your relationship, END IT! Walk away before you hurt someone.
PS-I was going to relay personal experiences in here but I'm trying to be as non-messy as possible. After all, I care about the people in my life and i wouldn't want to expose private matters without their permission :) See? I can be respectful AND honest at the same time. It's possible, people!
Now let me first prefice this whole sha-bang by saying that I am no saint. I was quite the wild one in my younger years, I think to an extent that everyone is. I've cheated and I've been cheated on (more than once) and I've learned quite a bit from it. I can say with a lot of certainty that there isn't much in life that hurts more than being cheated on. It can break every little piece of self confidence you have, give you SO many unanswerable questions and leave you feeling jaded and bitter. Some people do it for the thrill, some people do it for revenge and some people just do it for no reason at all.
Now not giving a free pass to all the breeders out there, but I will say that I think cheating is FAR more prevalent in the gay community than anywhere else. For some reason, in gay male relationships it seems that monogamy is not a word that exists. One of the main reasons I have NEVER identified, and largely despise, the gay community is because of their blatent disregard for the value of monogamy. Most gay relationships that I've read about or seen in friends all seem to adopt these really weird ideals. Open relationships, which I think are for whores who are too afraid to admit they're whores, I think are a joke and insulting. If you feel like an open relationship is something you want to be in, you shouldn't be in any relationship at all. Sex is SO much more than fulfilling an "urge". Of course I'm cognisant (sp) of the fact that there's TONS of guys I find sexually attractive...but if I'm in a serious relationship, I would never compromise the history of us and the bond of us just to go bust my nut off.
This is largely my own personal opinion on the matter because I find that I'm a very open person. I like to communicate and when there is a problem, I like to address it and get it out of the way. I think cheating involves way too much crazy shit. You're hiding things, you're making time to do shit you have no business doing all the while still doing your regular activities. It creates drama and unrest and in the end, NO ONE feels better about anything. It destroys any and all sense of trust that over time two people build for each other. It's just better and ultimately easier to be honest.
The lesson to be learned? If you don't feel comfortable enough to speak on issues you feel are important or issues going on in your relationship, END IT! Walk away before you hurt someone.
PS-I was going to relay personal experiences in here but I'm trying to be as non-messy as possible. After all, I care about the people in my life and i wouldn't want to expose private matters without their permission :) See? I can be respectful AND honest at the same time. It's possible, people!
Check it right, you aint white!
That's right folks, it's real and IT'S IMPORTANT! I know that race and ethnic identity and what not can be a touchy subject for some people but recognizing our differences and being able to properly identify ourselves is important. I'll start off with a story. So I was in the doctors office earlier this week for a checkup (nothing serious) and I had to fill out a form just re-verifying my name, address, race and insurance information. Now since jr high, I have always identified myself as a person of Middle Eastern descent. Some forms give you the box to check off, most don't and you have to check the "Other" box and write in Middle Eastern. It's very annoying and as I've understood it, most Arab and Middle Eastern people don't bother to differentiate and just check the "Caucasian" or "White" box.
I can't tell you over the years how much flack Ive gotten for doing this. I didn't grow up with an overly cultural backround. In fact, I didn't even explore my Armenian heritage until I hit jr. high, when I lost my Grandfather. I can remember as a little kid always hearing him talk about Armenia and some of the customs and occassionaly speak the language but it never really interested me. Ive always wished that I paid MUCH more attention to him and could remember some of the things he would tell me. When he passed when I was in the 8th grade, I promised myself that I would explore the culture and learn more about the country and it's people, which is hard because it's a very small country and not a lot of people bother to write about it. I challenge you to go to your local library and look for books about Armenia. IF you can find any, I guarentee none of them will be published after the 60's. We're not a country full of oil or any particular useful exports, so most people don't pay us attention. But we're a country full of traditions and customs and the first people EVER to adopt Christianity as their religion (although I'm not sure that's worth bragging about, lol). We're also the final landing place of Noah's Arc. lol.
Back to my story. So I'm sitting in the Dr's office filling out this form and I get to the race section. There are FOUR (1,2,3,4!!) boxes for Latinos to check off (is that REALLY necessary?!), TWO for whites, one for Asians and one for Black/African Americans. And then the "other" box. lol. It annoyed me. I think it's sad that in the year 2010 we don't recognize the obvious (and maybe not so obvious) racial and cultural differences and have the respect enough to give the proper outlet for people to express these differences. On a larger scale, this relates to the 2010 Census form, which also does NOT include a box for people of Middle Eastern heritage. I know it may be a little late, as I think the Census is due to be mailed in by the 15th of this month (don't quote me on that) but it's important to get it out there so that if anyone (does anyone read this yet? lol) can spread the word, they do it! We should have our damn box on the next Census! lol.
I pay my taxes, I work hard, I vote and I obey the give me my damn box.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to everyone and their families ;) I'm looking forward to a nice family-ish gathering at a restaurant my family has been going to for years. My sister and I were planning to attend a service at the Armenian Church of Our Savior but uh...well, we wont go there ;) lol. Im missing my Grandmother in particular this year. Before she passed, we always went over to her house and had Easter egg hunts and stuff. Dorothy Pachanian, I miss you! haha.
Hello and Welcome to...DURRTY LAUNDRAY!

Well well, it's my first Blog post.! Warning: I swear a lot and will not be censoring myself for any person, place or thing. Anything and everything is a target for my venemous wrath...just something to keep in mind yall :) Also, I'll be sure to spend the first few blog post discussing myself, my views, etc just so everyone can get an idea of what I stand for (and what I don't).
I'm Rubber, You're Glue. Whatever You Say Bounces Off Me And Sticks To You!
Has anyone been paying attention to that poor girl who was bullied who committed suicide in Hadley, MA? If not, Click Here
I feel so much for this child and I feel awful that she felt she had to go the way she did. I too was bullied in high school. My school also grossly mismanaged the situation and nothing was ever really done. Difference being, I was more than happy to take matters into my own hands and it made me hold my head higher. Granted, we were being picked on for different things (me for being gay) but I still dont think there is ever a situation in life where handing yours over to a bunch of bullies is worth it. What I'd like for us all to do is say a prayer for Phoebe's family and friends and REMEMBER THIS: It is fine to state your opinion and probably even human nature to poke a little bit of fun at something but it is NEVER ok to torment someone. If you feel the need to do so, you need to give your own ass a timeout and reflect upon what's bothering you so much in YOUR life that you need to take it out on others.
I feel so much for this child and I feel awful that she felt she had to go the way she did. I too was bullied in high school. My school also grossly mismanaged the situation and nothing was ever really done. Difference being, I was more than happy to take matters into my own hands and it made me hold my head higher. Granted, we were being picked on for different things (me for being gay) but I still dont think there is ever a situation in life where handing yours over to a bunch of bullies is worth it. What I'd like for us all to do is say a prayer for Phoebe's family and friends and REMEMBER THIS: It is fine to state your opinion and probably even human nature to poke a little bit of fun at something but it is NEVER ok to torment someone. If you feel the need to do so, you need to give your own ass a timeout and reflect upon what's bothering you so much in YOUR life that you need to take it out on others.
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