Contentment is a funny thing. It's very fleeting. This summer I felt at ease with myself, somewhat. I found a newly found sense of peace. Yes, I was struggling with my social relation issues but I mostly felt good about me. Now? Well, I'm kind of bored. haha. I feel like I've lived such a paradoxical life. It's always gone from one extreme to the next. I've gone through so many things and experiences, I honestly feel bad for whoever has to deliver my eulogy. And let's not even think about what would go on my gravestone, there isn't enough room for it all. Now that I'm approaching 30 (eeek!), I still find myself holding on to standards I should've let go ages ago. I'm also learning that growing older and maturing is all about constantly re-evaluating yourself. It's good to realize that your core principles will always be there but everything else is usually going to be in a state of flux. Friends and lovers come and go but as long as you're at peace with yourself, that's ok.
We celebrated Thanksgiving this past Thursday and I'm so thankful for so much. I'm thankful I have a roof over my head and food in my tummy, thankful I have two jobs while many have none (tho I'm gonna try and stay away from that subject), thankful I have a handful of people that love and accept me.
Do I know what lies ahead? No. Does anyone? I think plenty of people THINK they do but they don't really. I need to stop worrying so much about it and just take it as it comes.
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