So this entry shall be about work ethic. lol.
Now I realize that yes, I do work two jobs and no, I do not work particularly hard at one of them but that's a whole other blog entry for another day. My point is that yes, I'm aware that I'm sitting inside my glass house and I'm about to throw a stone...or ten. haha.
So I was on the Twitter on the train ride home after the work day from HELL today only to see this...buffoon in my timeline complaining, yet again, about this, that and the third, though none of it was very important. I'd been following this person for awhile, and him following me, and I wasn't sure WHY I was but a lot of the people I follow that I enjoy also follow this person. Every once in awhile he'd tweet something humorous but I didn't really get the allure...I digress. Now I know this person doesn't have a job. We had a conversation via IM about how he'd been out of work for awhile, I tried my best to listen and offer simple suggestions he could use to twerk his resume, etc. I could tell it went in one ear and out the other, which was frustrating because as a person who's been working two jobs simultaneously for the last 2.5 years, I clearly know what I'm talking about. lol.
So anyway, he was going off on some tangent and I had this...epiphany, I guess...which I'm sure y'all will find controversial and I'll be a bigger asshole that I already am...blah blah blah. what else is new? lol
I realized that I definitely, positively, without a shadow of a doubt in my mind did.not.care. what his thoughts,views,opinions were...on anything. I didn't care about his crappy, amateur poetry or his stupid youtube channel. His whole existence had no meaning to me, it held no weight. See, I'm a firm believer in hard work. If you're not waking up every morning, going to work and contributing to something, then you don't...matter. It's like people who bitch and complain about politics/politians but don't vote. If you don't vote, shut the fuck you: your opinion doesn't matter.
I think that's a HUGE problem that we have in today's society. We all think we have a voice and an opinion that matters and needs to be publicized. Hell, even what I'm doing here doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. But my ass wakes up 6:34am every day and goes to work, so I feel like that justifies my online ramblings.
Anyway, that's all I wanted to share.
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