So I met a guy. Now it's TOTALLY premature to be writing about him because we've only hung out twice...but premature is my nature. LOL. I have no idea where this is going to go, I don't have any preconceived notions about it. We have two things planned for this upcoming week so I'm just going to take it as it comes. I just know that I am resolving RIGHT NOW...IN THIS BLOG that I'm going to not have any airs or put on any show this time around. I'm just going to relax, be myself and deal with things as it comes. I'm never afraid to speak my mind in work related/friend situations but with relationships I always tend to take a heavy dose of chillax. lol.
So far, I haven't. I let him know upfront I have a 90 day rule before you see me in anything less than full attire (and that's a minimum) and don't even think about seeing my crib or any of that shit. Both times we met up, he was 15 minutes late so I let him know that my time is precious to me and not a commodity that I have much of so he needs to make a stronger effort to be on time. He doesn't have a cell phone, as he just moved here from NYC, and I let him know upfront that if dating is something we're going to try, he needs to get one. It may seem odd and demanding of me to say something like that upfront without even really knowing him but to me it's just something that isn't negotiable. If we're going to be making plans and what not, you need to be reachable. If I'm feeling some type of way and want to express that to you, you need to be available to receive such things. lol. If you're missing me, you should be able to send a text or a quick phone call to say so and likewise.
To me, it's sketchy that in the year 2010 you don't have a cell phone...which brings me to my next issue. He is bisexual. Now this may be an insecurity of mine, I'm not sure yet, but this puts me on edge. Obviously a female is not something I can compete with. I've had weird experiences in the past dating bisexual men. They tend to treat their men like females, which I don't like. The last guy I dated who was bisexual was constantly trying to exert his masculinity by buying me lots of shit, treating me to dinners and movies and museums, etc, carrying my bags and shit like that to prove that he was "the man". Now I'm not the epitomy of masculine by any means but I'm not some fairy queen either. I don't need you to have a pissing contest with me. Just be yourself and let me be me. So I guess I'm sort of bringing that baggage into this situation because I'm already seeing signs of that sort of behavior.
He's already talking about taking me out to dinner at my favorite restaurant and to the movies. I just think it's disingenuous to be tryna floss at this point in the "relationship". I'm probably over thinking it, which is another thing I do, but that doesn't fall in line with my way of thinking. I'm just thinking of having a good time, getting to know him and trying to do low key things that aren't extravegent or involve lots of money and preparation. I always try to make it a point to represent myself well and STRONGLY when I get to know someone in the romantic sense. Our first meeting, we spent 3.5 hours just talking and then our second meeting half that doing the same thing. I KNOW that I have done an amazing job of presenting myself accurately thus far. So i'm hoping his desire to be a little "extra", as I told him his nickname is gonna be, is just a part of his personality and not anything that's being conjured in an effort to impress me.
I'm very demanding and I dont like when I feel people are being disingenuous with me so I'm just hoping that within time over these next few days/weeks/months/whatever, I will see who he is as a person and it will align with how he's presented himself thus far.
Wish me luck y'all. This is my first big step back out into the dating pool. I don't wanna get swallowed up by a shark and shat back out into crappier waters. LOL. I also don't wanna be some DL's sidepiece. Homie don't play that shit.
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