There is SUUUUCH a fine line between the two these days. It sort of annoys me because "hater" is one of those most over-used words today. When you speak some sort of discourse for anything, you're labeled a "hater". Now I'll fully cop to being a hater sometimes. Mention anything Lil Kim related and you'll see my face turn green and venom spew forth from my mouth. But other than that, I definitely keep it real.
I don't like people who are naive enough to beleive in that fallacy that everyone should get along. That's the reason why the world has so many problems. People are more interested in being fake, smiling in your face and then talking mad shit about you behind your back in the name of maintaining civility. It's much easier, honest and BETTER (IMO) to just "keep it real" and say what you feel. There are polite ways to let someone know you're not feeling them. I think the point that people miss, also, is that it's important to respect other points of view. No one opinion is better than another and everyone is entitled to their own.