So the other day I read some quote which, to paraphrase, basically said "everything that can be said wasn't meant to be said and everything that can be put in print shouldn't be". I found it very interesting because we now live in this age where we all can say whatever we want about whatever we want, put it out into the universe and strangers (and low key stalkers and unwanted family members) can read it. Fun concept, right? Personally, I love it. There's nothing on here I wouldn't say in person. I don't front (and for those of you who follow me on Twitter), and I can be really vulgar and "extra" in person. I'm usually ruled by my emotions. Its not something I'm proud or ashamed of. It just is what it is. haha. I'm sure it dissappoints my Mom sometimes because she is the epitome of a classy lady but whatever. She gave me the tools, its my own fault for not using them. haha.
Anyway, my point of this blog was basically to pat myself on the back. I was involved in a conversation at work today where someone, a work "friend", showed me a private email from one of their family members. It expressed a view that I strongly agree with (I won't say what that view is...in this post, anyway) but based off of the tone my "friend" was using to showcase the email to me, I deduced that she did not agree. So, shock of shocks, I kept my mouth shut. The old me probably would have sounded off about this, that and the third and a great argument could've been had and rah rah rah. However, I realized silently that if I had expressed my opinion and we did have a discussion about it, it probably would've created an uncomfortable tension between us in our work environment.
Did I somehow cheat myself by remaining silent? Not at all. I think that in the proper venue, when you're in your OWN space and/or with people you feel comfortable around who KNOW you, you can feel free to speak your mind to its fullest extent. However, in life there will always be situations where the best thing is to be silent, nodd your head and smile. and I'm proud that I can now recognize the difference between the two situations.
I've always been a slow emotional grower so when I make a stride, I like to recognize it...and that's what I'm doing: in my blog, where I'm free to express my opinion and stroke my own ego. hahaha.